On page 43 of DRAGON RIDER it said, "The computer hummed like a captive bumblebee, the screen flickered--and went black." I liked this quote because it's interesting that the book is about dragons, and other mythical creatures, but yet it includes a computer that a talking rat actually owns. The quote also includes a simile when it said that "the computer hummed like a captive bumblebee". One last thing I noticed about the quote was that computers die all the time in everyday life so this quote can apply to the world.
On pages 80-81 there was a quote that says, "But he was bored--consumed by boredom. It made wild and savage, more ferocious than a chained dog, and so bad-tempered that he had long ago eaten most of his servants." This quote is important to me because it describes the "bad guy" who is really a dragon. This golden dragon is hunting down silver dragons to eat. Firedrake the main dragon or character is a silver dragon.
On page 244, "He was spellbound by all her tales of mermaids, ship-haunting sprites, eight-armed krakens, royal mermen and singing giant rays, luminous fish and coral gnomes, shark-faced demons and the children of the sea who ride on whales." This quote is important because it names a lot of the creatures that live in the sea.
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