Friday, October 24, 2008


I loved blogging. In fact I started a blog outside of school. I have a whole bunch of ideas for it. I really liked blogging because I could write and then get feed back. It's a good way to practice writing.

Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke

Some important characters in Dragon Rider are:
Firedrake-he is a silver dragon. He breathes fire, but he works for good not evil. He and the other silver dragons live off of Moon light. They don't eat or drink anything. He has volunteered to go on a journey half way across the world.
Ben- A human boy that has joined Firedrake on his journey. He is an orphan and has never known any of his family members.
Sorrel- She is a brownie who is furry, likes arguing about every little thing someone says, and she absolutely loves mushrooms like all brownies do.

The setting of my book:
Firedrake, Ben, and Sorrel travel half-way around the world looking for the Rim of Heaven. When they finally find it they are amazed at it's beauty. "A lake as round as the flowers...glowed on the darkness of the night..." on pg 422 or Dragon Rider.

Plot: The dragons need to hide from humans so they send Firedrake to look for the Rim of Heaven. He meets other creatures along the way. Some that are helpful, some that are not so helpful.

I would definitely recommend this book, especially for people who like Sci-Fi/Fantasy, or even Adventure lovers. The first reason why I would recommend this book is because all the creatures they meet on this journey are interesting. Like I said in my last post, there are a lot of different creatures. The second reason why I would recommend it is the journey itself is so cool. It's good to see the perseverance of Firedrake, Ben, and Sorrel. They may even get a bit down sometimes, but they don't give up. The third and final reason why I recommend this book is because even though it is about magical creatures, you can still relate to it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cool Quotes from Dragon Rider

On page 43 of DRAGON RIDER it said, "The computer hummed like a captive bumblebee, the screen flickered--and went black." I liked this quote because it's interesting that the book is about dragons, and other mythical creatures, but yet it includes a computer that a talking rat actually owns. The quote also includes a simile when it said that "the computer hummed like a captive bumblebee". One last thing I noticed about the quote was that computers die all the time in everyday life so this quote can apply to the world.

On pages 80-81 there was a quote that says, "But he was bored--consumed by boredom. It made wild and savage, more ferocious than a chained dog, and so bad-tempered that he had long ago eaten most of his servants." This quote is important to me because it describes the "bad guy" who is really a dragon. This golden dragon is hunting down silver dragons to eat. Firedrake the main dragon or character is a silver dragon.

On page129, a quote that I liked was, "'I've discussed rare minerals with dwarves, the flavor of tree bark with trolls, immortality with fairies, and enchantment with a fiery salamander.'" This quote is important to me because Barnabas Greenbloom is telling Firedrake to trust him by showing him all the "fabulous creatures" he has met.

On page 244, "He was spellbound by all her tales of mermaids, ship-haunting sprites, eight-armed krakens, royal mermen and singing giant rays, luminous fish and coral gnomes, shark-faced demons and the children of the sea who ride on whales." This quote is important because it names a lot of the creatures that live in the sea.

Friday, October 10, 2008

A change I want to make in Paper Moon

One thing I would change about the book "Paper Moon" is the fact that the author uses a lot of numbers instead of words. For example, "After a week or two, we raised this to $300, then $400, and, finally, hit on $500 as just the right amount..." It just gets really annoying at times and I wish it would say the written number instead of the actual number. If I could change the way the author writes the numbers in the book then I would and I would make sure that the sentence absolutely, positively needs to be there and if it does then I would make sure it needs all those numbers and then convert them to written numbers. For example, "After a weeek or two, we raised this to three hundred dollars, then four hundred dollars, and, finally, hit on five hundred dollars as just the right amount..."

Friday, October 3, 2008

A connection from Go Ask Alice to the World

When I read in the book, Go Ask Alice, that "Alice" (they use pretend names for the people since it is a real story) was getting made fun of and was under peer pressure, it reminded me of what other kids face today. When "Alice" got made fun of, because of her choice to stop using drugs, the kids called her names like "Nancy Nice" and "Mary Pure". She was also under pressure to start using drugs again even when she told the kids that she didn't want to. Lots of kids today are under the same exact pressure and are being made fun of because of their choices and beliefs. I think that this is very wrong and I am glad I got to read a little bit more about one person's view on her difficult life.