Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A positive review of The Book Thief

I am happy to say that I have finished The Book Thief and that it is a book I would recommend for all those that love to read. Some things I liked about the book are: The narrator is the character Death. When someone dies the narrator says, "I was there. During I was basically everywhere." I think that is really cool that the author chose the narrator to be something unique. In this book the author gives little hints/glimpses into the future or end of the book. For example, that such and such dies with his mouth open. Another thing in this book that I love to see in books is the significance of one particular item or phrase. Some things that are significant in this book are Liesel's papa's accordion, the books that Liesel steals, and the way Rudy always asks Liesel for a kiss.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The setting of my book...

Liesel and Rudy live on Himmel Street in Molching, Germany. I researched and found out that Molching is a fictional town, but there is a town near it that I hear mentioned in the book that is called Munich. Liesel lives in 33 Himmel Street and Rudy lives on 35 Himmel Street. In Molching is a river called the Amper River, Liesel's papa likes to spend some time by himself by the river because he wants to be alone. This book takes place in 1939-1945 most of which was the WWII. Another part of the setting in this book is where Papa is right now. He is in Stuttgart, Germany. Stuttgart is a city where Papa is working for the Nazi army by picking up dead bodies after people in the war drop bombs over Germany. They would keep Jews in a concentration camp there in Stuttgart.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Liesel and Rudy in The Book Thief

Liesel is the main character of the book that I am reading. She is "the book thief". Throughout the whole book she steals different books because she loves to read and is very poor so she cannot buy her own books. She lives in a foster family because her father died and her mother abandoned her. This foster family consists of her foster parents (Mama and Papa) and of two adult "children" who are not living with them at that time. Before she knew how to read her Papa would read to her in the middle of the night. She was about 12 when she actually started reading by herself. When she sleeps she has nightmares of a train and her brother dying. A jew named Max is staying at her foster family's house. She has blond hair and brown eyes and is 13 years old.

Rudy is Liesel's best friend. The first thing you should know about him is that he is obsessed with an African-American runner named Jesse Owens. One time he put charcoal all over himself so he would look like Jesse Owens and he ran for about 400 meters. The second thing you should know about him is that he likes Liesel more than a friend, but she doesn't feel the same about him. He keeps on asking her for a kiss, but she never agrees. He has lemon bleach blond hair.

They both steal food because they cannot get enough to eat around their houses. They both are German, but are not Nazis. And they both love to play soccer with the rest of the kids in their neighborhood.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My reading past and present

The very first book I read was The Bear, the Bug, and the Boy go for a I started reading when I was 4 years old. My mom taught was sorta like "preschool" for me since I didn't actually go to preschool. I have always loved reading. I like reading big books because it feels like a challenge to me. I used to read books like Nancy Drew Notebooks, but now I like reading books like Eragon and Eldest (bigger books). The genres I like to read are Mystery, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, and occasionally Non-Fiction. I know this blog is supposed to be only about me, but I just wanted to mention that my uncle Jacob (13) memorized the whole book of Jonah (but it was a rhyme bible so that is probably easy). My favorite book is The Tattooed Rats which is in the Renegade Series...the funny thing is that I waited for like forever for the other 2 to come out but it ended up that they were already out...LOL